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luglio 2007




David Stone returns to Star Harbor where he grew up to lick his wounds after finding out his lover of 10 years had been keeping a boy-toy on the side. His only real love, Josh Harrison, his childhood best friend, isn't supposed to be in Star Harbor. He's supposed to be in the Marine Corps.

But Josh has also returned to Star Harbor, and the Marine, now a cop, soon reveals that he'd been about to go looking for David, who mistakenly always thought Josh was straight! It's not long before the two find themselves head over heels in love and heading toward happily ever after.

Then David learns he's been infected with HIV by his last lover, and to save David's life, Josh reveals his own secret: he's a werewolf. And he can make David one.





Against her will, Kitala Bell foresees the future. Now her own future is in peril. From the ocean’s depths rises an impossible blend of fantasy and danger, a creature whose voice is seduction incarnate, whose song can manipulate lives the way that Kitala herself manipulates the strings of her violin -- even to the point of breaking. He is a prince of the sea, an enigma -- a captive stretched to the limit of his endurance by a woman intent on using him for the purest evil. And when survival requires he and Kitala form a closer partnership than either has ever known, the price of their bond will threaten not just their lives, but the essence of their very souls





London, 1660: Ready to throw off a generation of Puritan rule, all England rejoices when Charles Stuart returns to reclaim the throne. Among those welcoming him is young Barbara Villiers Palmer, a breathtaking Royalist beauty whose sensuality and clever wit instantly captivate the handsome, jaded king. Though each is promised to another, Barbara soon becomes Charles's mistress and closest friend, and the uncrowned queen of his bawdy Restoration court. Rewarded with titles, land, and jewels, she is the most envied and desired woman in England—and the most powerful. But the role of royal mistress is a precarious one, and Barbara's enemies and rivals are everywhere in the palace.





It begins with three ordinary women and their separate, unexpected discoveries of a lover's guidebook by Miss Matilda, the impish tutor of snag-a-man sexual decorum, circa 1949. All three ladies originally scoff at the hopelessly outdated, ridiculous etiquette book. But soon they find themselves leafing through its pages for some timeless, explicit, and very frank advice.

What seemed like a relic of another time is about to open up a whole world of deliciously erotic possibilities for three modern women, learning to properly tantalize whomever they please.

From the pen of Janice Maynard. A trio of women discover the secret to heating up their love lives by following the advice in a 1950's dating guide.





From New York Times bestseller Christina Dodd comes DARKNESS CHOSEN, a series about an ancient evil that lives in the modern world...

A thousand years ago, Konstantine Varinski roamed the Russian steppes. Driven by his craving for power, he struck a terrible bargain. In return for the ability to change from a magnificent warrior to a predator that could hunt down his enemies and kill them, he promised his soul—and the souls of his descedents—to the devil.

Plain Ann Smith loves her handsome, dynamic boss, Jasha Wilde, but her daring plan to seduce him goes awry when she finds a black wolf warming itself before the fire. Before her horrified eyes, the wolf changes into the man she adores. She flees, he pursues, but they can't escape their destinies.

For Jasha is the descendant of Konstantine Varinski and Ann is the woman fated to break the curse that binds his soul. To find heaven in each other's arms, they have the devil to pay.

When bad boys fall in love Heaven takes notice, so does Hell. They were called The Darkness. They made a deal with the devil, but broke the deal. Love may be their downfall....or, their way to redemption. A modern day paranormal by NY Times bestselling author Christina Dodd.





Off the coast of France lies the sun-kissed isle of Aelynn. Guarded by Trystan l'Enforcer, its people use magical abilities to protect a sacred chalice. An ambitious Trystan intends to marry for convenience, but when a sultry beauty washes up on his shore, she stirs in him a carnal hunger—and his plans take a confounding turn. Now he must work with her to recover Aelynn's most sacred object before chaotic forces can lead to devastating destruction.

Romance and danger on a mystical island.



A DAY WITH: Eloisa James

Con grande gioia delle ragazze di questo blog, che sono delle sue grandi fan, a luglio è stato finalmente pubblicato NON SENZA DI TE, il primo libro della saga sulle sorelle Essex, di Eloisa James.


Questa fantastica autrice, che è sempre stata molto carina nei confronti del nostro blog, oggi ci onora della sua presenza. Quindi…scatenatevi!!


For the joy of the girls of this blog, who are great fans of her, was finally published NON SENZA DI TE ( Italian edition of MUCH ADO ABOUT YOU), the first book in the Essex series, by Eloisa James.


This fabulous author, who has always been very gracious towards our blog, today is gracing us with her visit. So…get wild!!


Below are some links you may like to check:


Review Much Ado About You- Non senza di te


Novellina natalizia di Eloisa James


Incontro a Firenze con Eloisa James


Finding true love


Ritratto di Eloisa James




Hi everyone!


I want to introduce you to my newest series…which is about love – and also about sisters.  My little sister came along when I was one year old.  It wasn’t an unmixed blessing.  She went through high school with long blonde hair, runner’s legs and a charming ability to get along with members of the opposite sex.  I trotted through those same years in a plump body, with an afro perm of red curls (don’t ask) and no ability for small talk whatsoever.  There were weeks when we fought continuously.  But now my sister lives right down the road, and we see each other almost every day. The relationship between sisters is a complicated, wonderful thing.


With my new series, which begins with MUCH ADO ABOUT YOU, I decided to write about sisters.  Sisters who are girlfriends, best enemies, best friends, most beloved…all that at one time.  The heroine of MUCH ADO has three sisters:  logical, plump Josie, sensual, witty Annabel and passionate Imogen.  She feuds with them as she falls in love with the hero.  And she falls in love to the tune of their commentary.  If I had to describe the book, I’d point to a mix between two great products of popular culture:  SEX AND THE CITY meets LITTLE WOMEN.


So do you have a sister?  Or do you have a girlfriend who's close enough to be a sister, as they say?  Tell us a story about your sister!  Are you still friends?




Ciao a tutte!


Vorrei presentarvi la mia nuova serie…parla di amore- ma anche di sorelle. La mia sorellina è nata quando io avevo un anno.  Ha attraversato gli anni del liceo con lunghi capelli biondi, gambe da velocista e un’incantevole abilità ad andare d’accordo con l’altro sesso. Io, invece ho passato quei medesimi anni trottorellando in un corpo cicciotello, con riccioli rossi stile afro ( non fate commenti), e nessuna propensione per tutto ciò che fosse conversazione. C’erano settimane in cui non facevamo altro che litigare. Ma ora mia sorella vive proprio in fondo alla strada, e ci vediamo tutti  i giorni. Il rapporto che esiste tra sorelle è una cosa complicata, ma meravigliosa.


Nella mia nuova serie, che inizia con MUCH ADO ABOUT YOU ( NON SENZA DI TE), ho deciso di parlare di sorelle. Sorelle che sono compagne, acerrime nemiche, amiche carissime, ma in ogni caso tanto amate…tutto nello stesso momento. L’eroina di MUCH ADO ha tre sorelle: la razionale e paffuta Josie, la sensuale e arguta Annabelle e la passionale Imogen. Si scontra con loro e intanto si innamora del protagonista. E l’amore sboccia sulle note dei loro commenti. Se dovessi descrivere questo libro, punterei su un mix tra due importanti prodotti della cultura popolare: SEX AND THE CITY incontra PICCOLE DONNE.


Allora, avete una sorella? Oppure un’amica che è come una sorella, come si suol dire? Raccontateci qualcosa di vostra sorella! Siete ancora amiche?


OK, a bit on the RWA!


The annual Romance Writers of America convention is a huge meeting -- all the writers from Nora Roberts to Sherrilyn Kenyon, all the publishers, editors, book distributors, book sellers, librarians... the list never ends.  Hundreds and hundreds of people, all of whose lives (and work) revolve around romance.  It's wild!


For me the conference breaks down into times when I hang out with my friends, and the rest of the time when I act like a businesswoman.  On the businesswoman front, I had lunch with the people who distribute books into Walmart (a huge huge bookselling outlet in the US), I did a television interview with Lifetime TV (a big cable station in the US), I did a streaming video piece for Romance Novels TV -- which has all sort of amazing interviews with romance authors.  I gave a talk, I went to a tea for librarians interested in romance, I had dinner with all the senior romance publishing people from my publisher (Harper Collins), and I went to the Harlequin dance and stayed there dancing til the deejay went home!


On the friends side, I spent the first day with Lisa Kleypas.  Lisa and I share a fascination with makeup and great clothes.  So naturally we had breakfast and then hopped in a cab and went to Nieman Marcus, a fabulous department store.  Lisa found a fabulous outfit, and then a funky dress that made her look about 12 years old.  And then two pairs of shoes!  I was starting to feel left out, so I bought a crazy pair of gold sequined shoes that are very high and very frivolous.  Then we both bought a lot of makeup.


The next day was Lisa's keynote speech for the whole conference.  So our close friends were all at her table -- Christina Dodd, Elizabeth Bevarly, Teresa Medeiros, me, Lisa, Lisa's editor and publisher, and Michelle Bonfiglio from Lifetime TV.  Connie Brockway went to Alaska on a cruise so she wasn't with us.  Lisa did brilliantly but I got nervous for her and started feeling sick (who knows why?  I don't get sick when I give my own speeches, but friends giving speeches is tough).


And then Julia Quinn and I gave a proper English tea party for friends from our Bulletin Board (  It was lovely -- all tiny cucumber sandwitches and fabulous bits of chocolate.  And then Julia's cell phone rang with the news that her book was #3 on the New York Times bestseller list!  That was wildly exciting and all the readers who came to the tea were cheering madly.


Finally, the literacy signing...imagine 400 authors all in one huge ballroom.  Literally, every romance author!  Nora Roberts was there, Kim Harrison, J.R. Ward, Debbie Macomber...everyone you can think of.  I was happy because I had a line in front of my table all evening -- until Lisa came over and collapsed at my table.  She'd sold all her books!  So we gathered up Christina and Teresa and took off for the bar...


The RWA is the place where all the important business gets done.  But in a much more important way, it's the place where girlfriends get to hang out together and be friends.


I wish you all could be there!




Quattro chiacchiere sui RWA


La convention annuale per i Romance Writers of America è un evento di grandi dimensioni: ci sono tutti gli scrittori, da Nora Roberts a Sherrilyn Kenyon, tutti gli editori, i redattori, i distributori di libri, i librai, i bibliotecari…la lista è infinita.

Centinaia e centinaia di persone, le cui vite ( e lavoro) ruotano intorno al romance. È pazzesco!


Per me questa conferenza si divide in momenti in cui sto con le mie amiche e momenti in cui mi comporto da donna d’affari. Come donna d’affari, ho pranzato con i distributori di libri per Walmart ( un grande grandissimo outlet americano per libri), ho fatto un’intervista televisiva per Lifetime TV( un’importante emittente via cavo americana), ho registrato un video in streaming per Romance Novel TV- sito dove potete trovare le  interviste più incredibili con autrici romance. Ho tenuto un discorso, ho partecipato ad un tè organizzato per bibliotecari interessati ai romance. Ho tenuto una conferenza, sono stata a cena con tutti gli editori e redattori capo della mia casa editrice (Harper Collins), e sono andata al ballo della Harlequin, e sono rimasta a ballare finché il dj non se n’è andato!


Per quel che riguarda i momenti con le amiche, ho passato il primo giorno con Lisa Kleypas. Lisa ed io condividiamo la passione per il trucco e per i begli abiti. E, naturalmente, abbiamo fatto colazione e poi siamo saltate su un taxi per andare a Nieman Marcus, un centro commerciale favoloso. Lisa ha preso un completo stupendo, poi  ha trovato un originalissimo vestito che la faceva sembrare una dodicenne. E poi due paia di scarpe! Incominciavo a sentirmi tagliata fuori, quindi ho comperato un paio di bizzarre scarpe color oro con tutte paillettes, decisamente alte e decisamente frivole. E poi, entrambe abbiamo comperato un sacco di trucchi.


Il giorno dopo Lisa doveva tenere il discorso introduttivo per l’intero congresso. Quindi tutte le amiche più strette eravamo al suo tavolo- Christina Dodd, Elizabeth Bevarly, Teresa Medeiros, io, Lisa, l’editrice e la redattrice di Lisa, e Michelle  Bonfiglio di Lifetime TV. Connie Brockway non era dei nostri, perché è andata in crociera in Alaska. Lisa è stata bravissima, ma io mi sono sentita male per il nervosismo ( ma, chissà perché? Non mi sento mai male quando sono io che devo fare il discorso, ma è dura quando si tratta delle amiche).


Dopo di ciò, io e Julia Quinn abbiamo organizzato un vero e proprio tea party all’inglese  per le amiche del nostro Bulletin Board( È stato carinissimo – piccoli sandwich ai cetrioli e cioccolatini favolosi. E mentre eravamo lì, hanno telefonato a Julia con la notizia che il suo ultimo libro era al terzo posto tra i bestseller del New York Times! È stato davvero eccitante, e tutte le lettrici che sono intervenute al tea party hanno brindato come matte.


Ed infine, il momento della firma dei libri…immaginatevi 400 scrittrici, tutte in un’enorme sala da ballo. Praticamente, c’erano tutte le autrici di romance! C’era Nora Roberts, Kim Harrison, J.R Ward, Debbie Macomber…c’erano tutte quelle che vi potete immaginare. Ero contenta, perché di fronte al mio tavolo c’è stata la fila per tutta la sera – almeno finché Lisa non mi ha raggiunto ed è collassata sul mio tavolo. Aveva venduto tutti i suoi libri! A quel punto abbiamo recuperato Christina e Teresa e ce ne siamo andate al bar…


La convention dei  RWA è il posto dove si prendono tutti gli accordi importanti . Ma, molto più importante, è il posto dove le amiche possono passare un po’ di tempo insieme e stanno in compagnia.


Che bello, se fossimo state lì tutte insieme!




RECENSIONE : L FIORE DELL’ESTASI (Rose of rapture) di  Rebecca Brandewyne 

Anno di pubblicazione: 1984

Edizione originale: Passion moon rising

Pubblicato in Italia da: Euroclub (1985); seconda Ristampa Edizioni Sonzogno (2002)

Livello di sensualità: hot (bollente)

Formato: Hardcover

Ambientazione: Inghilterra,XV secolo.

Rimasti orfani di entrambi i genitori da bambini, Lady Isabella Ashley e il fratello Giles vengono affidati ( assieme alle loro ricchezze)a un tutore avido e crudele,e perderebbero tutto se non intervenisse in loro aiuto il duca di Gloucester(futuro re Riccardo III), che li prende sotto la sua protezione e si occupa di loro.

Diventata adulta( per l’epoca,14-15 anni)Isabella viene data in moglie a Sir Warrick Tremayne,nonostante il suo cuore batta per Lionel, un cavaliere amico di Giles;per questo,nonostante l’attrazione che corre tra loro,per lungo tempo Isabella pensa di non poter mai amare il marito e di essere destinata a vivere un matrimonio infelice.Ma il destino ha in serbo delle sorprese molto grosse per lei e Warrick, mentre all’orizzonte si profila la tragica guerra che cambierà il destino dell’Inghilterra:quella delle due rose, la rosa bianca di York( per la quale combatte Riccardo e per cui quindi parteggia Isabella)e quella rossa di Lancaster (per la quale parteggia Warrick).

Questo romanzo della Brandewyne è un affresco storico molto curato e dettagliato in ogni particolare,dai dettagli storici veri e propri alle abitudini e costumi di vita dei personaggi.

Con il suo stile descrittivo preciso, anche se talvolta un po’ verboso,riesce a trasportare il lettore nell’atmosfera di tensione e passione che si mescola in questa storia,uno dei più bei medioevali che ho letto.

Come ovvio in un romance,la storia vicenda principale è il rapporto d’amore tra i due protagonisti, costretti a unirsi con un matrimonio combinato che nessuno dei due desidera troppo.I due personaggi sono molto diversi tra loro:Isabella è giovanissima ( ma per l’epoca come detto abbastanza grande per sposarsi), ma ha già sofferto molto, sia per la morte dei genitori e i maltrattamenti del precedente tutore, sia per amore di Sir Lionel ( un personaggio che riserverà alcune sorprese nel corso della storia, e non solo per la protagonista…):un amore contrastato e idealizzato che però lei nella sue inesperienza scambia per amore vero, e questo oltre accusarle qualche dispiacere le fascia gli occhi per qualche tempo su quel marito impetuoso che l’attrae ma l’intimorisce anche.

L’evoluzione del personaggio nel corso della storia è raccontata in modo credibile e si riesce a seguirla senza problemi,i suoi pensieri e sentimenti sono resi in modo realistico, a tal punto che io stessa, che non appezzo molto i romanzi medioevali e spesso neanche le loro eroine,l’ho sentita molto vicina in alcuni modi di pensare,senza per questo notare comportamenti falsati rispetto all’epoca in cui vive.

Warrick invece è foglio illegittimo, di origine gallese,di un nobile che l’ha riconosciuto e preso con sé solo per lasciargli la sua proprietà non avendo altri eredi;strappato da bambino alle braccia della madre,ha sofferto molto per questo al punto che diventato padrone delle proprietà paterne ha riunito tutta la famiglia sotto lo stesso tetto.E’ un uomo duro,un tipico eroe medioevale che pensa che la donna gli debba obbedienza cieca…quindi rimane spiazzato quando si ritrova,senza troppa voglia, maritato a Isabella,eroina indipendente e non troppo facilmente conquistabile.Il primo a capitolare è proprio lui, e anche questo personaggio avrà il suo bel daffare nel lottare contro i fantasmi del proprio passato e presente, e di quello della moglie,per far funzionare il matrimonio.

Unica figura un po’ fuori posto, ance se per noi donne moderne molto affascinante, è quella della madre del protagonista, un po’ troppo moderna per l’epoca in cui viveva.

Per il resto è un ottimo libro non solo d’evasione, ma anche per conoscere un periodo storico molto importante.





Being a mother is never easy—especially when you're undead.

Eva LeRoy, Broken Heart, Oklahoma's librarian, got "vampified" when everyone else did: during a rogue vampire's feeding frenzy. But books still make her undead heart beat—and, strangely enough, so does Lorcan the Loner, the vampire who killed her...





The first collection of the super-sexy, beautifully written stories that put Shannon McKenna in the forefront of hot romance!
Shannon McKenna writes blazing hot heroes and her readers know it. Men who are hard and handsome. Potent and protective. And so, so sexy. Ready for real lovers who want to get wild? They’re ready for you. Presenting three of the best…

A powerful man on a motorcycle makes a tantalizing promise…and a willing woman learns the ultimate lesson in pleasure. A masterful hotel CEO introduces his lovely date to a suite seduction she’ll never forget. And a sexy billionaire invites a massage therapist to his mountain hideaway for a sensational session just for two…





Vax was once committed to his life as a Hunter, tracking down the evil beings who prey on humans, but he opted out of the game long ago. Until now—because somebody, somewhere, is in danger. And, despite his best efforts, Vax can't ignore his calling?

Jess Warren is determined to find the maniac who killed her sister. A gifted psychic and telekinetic, she will do anything to exact her vengeance. Even if it means putting herself in peril...

Jess would rather not accept Vax's help—especially since letting him have his way could draw her deeper into his irresistibly sensuous realm. But then he saves her life—and they discover that the depraved madman they've been looking for is much closer than either of them could have imagined...





Gloriana St. Clair, full-figured vampire and entrepreneur, doesn’t understand why life has to be so complicated. First, her shop is fire bombed by a frustrated vamp hunter, then long-time lover Jeremy Blade abandons her to hunt the hunter. She’s determined to get her business and her love life back on track, but she becomes the target of Energy Vampires. The EVs want to—excuse me?—suck out her stored power to make Vampire Viagra. The EVs are paranormal drug pushers taking advantage of the boredom that immortals experience after centuries of "Been there, done that". Their Vamp Viagra is expensive and addictive. Even Glory’s roomie, Florence daVinci, is tempted by their charismatic leader and his promises of "fulfillment".

Glory won’t cooperate willingly, but, when the scumbags rob her faithful doggie protector Valdez of his power, that gets her attention. Glory will do anything to save him, even shape-shift into something the jaded EVs can’t fight. Can Glory kick EV butt, run a successful business and find a man who appreciates a woman with ... appetites?





Exciting new escapades for the demon-hunting stay-at-home mom-from the USA Today bestselling author of Carpe Demon.

It isn't easy when your daughter's figured out that her mom's a demon hunter—and wants to grow up to be just like her. Or when you suspect your dead husband used the forces of darkness to filch the body of another human. And your living husband isn't the man you married anymore either.

Moreover, Kate's acquired a precious but deadly item that every demon within commuting distance wants. With husband woes playing havoc with her emotions, an ambitious teenage protégé at her heels, and hell to pay, this stay-at-home mom's putting in a lot of overtime.





Meet the vamps of the Vamps, Inc. modeling agency:

Olivia, straight-A nerd turned overnight star model—unfortunately, her boyfriend doesn't know exactly how much she's changed...Big and beautiful Veronika, the new plus-size model for Vamps, Inc. on an all-blood diet...and Sydney, misunderstood bad girl and whispered-about tabloid sensation.

It's about time that the undead live it up...





From the New York Times bestselling author whose torrid tales are "legendary" (Robin Shone) comes another steamy story—set in the kitchen.

World-renowned chef Jake Chambers could have had any ingénue he wanted in California since the kitchen isn't the only room in the house where the hard-bodied hunk has special talents. Still, when he realized there might be more to life than glitz and silicone, he left for Minneapolis to buy a local joint and try to clear his head.

But even though he's no longer serving the glitterati, that doesn't mean he's about to compromise quality and serve a Minnesota wine. However, local vintner Liv Bell—with curves even more delicious than his tapas—has other plans once she lays eyes on this Adonis. Determined to promote her vineyard's juicy bounty, this sun-kissed goddess might just bring Jake around to at least tasting what she has to offer.





In the summer of 1890, U.S Marshal Hodge Egan is forced to leave the comfort of Chicago to trail a killer into the Wisconsin wilderness. He vows that when he brings this man to justice, he will resign from the law and enjoy the good life in the gentlemen's clubs of San Francisco, a dream he has nurtured for many years.

Molly O'Brien runs a dairy farm in rural Wisconsin. To the citizens of Delight, Wisconsin, she is disdained for avoiding marriage while raising four little girls, two of whom aren't even kin. On top of that, she offers shelter to a reclusive former slave who lives in the nearby forest. Though she is admired for her strength and courage, her unconventional lifestyle makes her an odd little misfit.

When Molly discovers two men lying in her field, near death, she takes them home, only to learn from their belongings strewn about the field that one of them is a dangerous outlaw, and one a man of the law. But which is which? Both claim to be the marshal, while neither will admit to being the outlaw. Until she can get them healthy enough to return them to town and hand them over to the law, she must protect herself and her daughters while tending both men and her farm.

Throw into this dangerous mix a sly, vicious killer, a woman with a tender heart, a girl on the threshold of becoming a woman, a child afraid of her own shadow, and one who has the gift of vision, and you have a wild and wonderful adventure, as well as a surprising love story.

Nell'estate del 1890, lo sceriffo federale Hodge Egan è costretto a lasciare i comfort di Chicago per inseguire un killer nelle zone selvagge del Wisconsin. Giura che quando consegnerà il colpevole alla giustizia, darà le dimissioni e inizierà a godersi la vita nei clubs per gentiluomini di San Francisco, un sogno che fa da molti anni.

Molly O'Brien manda avanti una fattoria nelle campagne del Wisconsin. Gli abitanti di Delight, Wisconsin, la disprezzano perchè ha evitato di sposarsi e ha comunque allevato quattro ragazzine, due delle quali non sono nemmeno sue parenti. Come se non bastasse, dà aiuto a un ex-schiavo che vive isolato nella foresta vicina. Benchè sia ammirata per la sua forza ed il suo coraggio, il suo stile di vita non convenzionale la fa considerare "strana".

Quando Molly scopre due uomini che giacciono moribondi nel suo campo, li porta a casa sua, solo per capire dalle loro cose abbandonate nel campo che uno di loro è un pericoloso fuorilegge, e l'altro un uomo di legge. Ma chi è chi? Entrambi dichiarano di essere lo sceriffo, e nessuno dei due ammette di essere il fuorilegge. Finchè non sarà in grado di rimetterli in condizioni fisiche tali da poterli riportare in città e consegnarli alla legge, deve proteggere se stessa e le proprie figlie mentre allo stesso tempo accudisce sia gli uomini, che la fattoria.

Aggiungete a questa pericolosa miscela un killer astuto e perverso, una donna dal cuore tenero, una ragazza in procinto di diventare donna, una bambina che ha paura della propria ombra, e una che ha il dono delle visioni, e avrete un'avventura meravigliosa e avvincente, e una sorprendente storia d'amore.




Hi all! My name is Shayla Kersten and Elisa has graciously asked me to blog about my experiences at the Romance Writers of America National Convention.


As usual, I’m worn out from all the activities but I wouldn’t have missed it. I was able to spend time with my friends, Delilah Devlin, Myla Jackson, Layla Chase, Eve Savage and Megan Kerans. Delilah, Myla, Layla and I shared a room. Completely by accident, Eve and Megan ended up in the adjoining room next door. We had a big slumber party! No pranks ensued although there was talk of painting Delilah’s face with all kinds of makeup when she fell asleep early on Saturday but unfortunately, she’s a light sleeper.


Wednesday was very interesting. One of Delilah’s publisher, Avon Red, had contacted her regarding a television interview with a local reporter. Wednesday morning our whole group accompanied her to a local coffee shop where we watched Mike Castellucci of WFAA-TV work his magic. To see the final result, check out the video at this link. ( If you check the background, you’ll see part of Delilah’s Posse in the background.


My first print title, The Cost of Eternity, was released in time for the National Literacy book signing. Wednesday night was amazing. Over 450 authors autographing books for charity! The event raised over $56,000. The authors are seated alphabetically so my friend and critique partner, Megan Kerans, was right next to me. On the other side of her would have been Sherrilyn Kenyon except she was signing as Kinley MacGregor so she was in the “m” section. We had fun directing traffic for her! She was all dressed up in a long gown and a hat with a huge black swan on it. She was gorgeous!


When confused looking people wandered up, we would ask them, “Are you looking for Sherrilyn?” Imagine my surprise when one woman said “No, I’m looking for you!” I squealed like a silly schoolgirl! LOL I sold a total of seven books, which is excellent for a new author in a venue with so many famous names. I also met a woman who I’ve known online for over three years but never seen in person. She went to dinner with us after the signing and we had a blast.


I met several editors and one agent I’m interested in submitting work. I met tons of authors I know from online but haven’t had the chance to meet. My roomies and I got in some excellent brainstorming so I have a few new projects to work on now.


One downer of the conference was some changes RWA’s Board of Directors made. The revised “publisher recognition” rules hit close to home with many epublished authors. I attended the Annual General Meeting and the masses made their unhappiness known, loud and clear. Some changes and clarification will be made.


The short of the story is RWA no longer has “publisher recognition”. It’s now called “eligibility”. To be eligible, a publisher must pay minimum advances and not be a vanity or subsidy press. The only thing a publisher gets out of being eligible is free space at the National conference. If an ineligible pub wants to attend to take pitch meetings and participate in workshops, they will have to pay an as yet undetermined fee.


Since publisher recognition is no longer applicable, PAN (published author network) status will now be based solely on an author reaching a certain dollar amount of royalties, advances or a combination of the two. This could be a good thing. When PAN was based on selling a book to a recognized publisher, many credibly published authors couldn’t join PAN. Although some authors have objected to providing proof since that entails revealing personal financial information. Anyone in PAN under the old rules gets to stay.


The last, and most contentious item on the agenda, was the definition of “vanity/subsidy” press. RWA’s definition included publishers who sell “primarily” from their own website. This is important because one of the PAN rules excludes books from this type of publisher plus it makes the publisher unable to attend National. Most epublishers sell from their own website. At the Annual General Meeting, the board clarified the wording. They stated that if the publisher has other outlets of distribution, such as Ellora’s Cave who sells print through several distribution channels as well as their website, then they are not considered a vanity or subsidy press.


Other than the blip of unease regarding the new changes, the conference was fantastic. Even the problems were interesting because I was able to see the membership in action at the AGM.


Now, I’m off to finish edits on my most recent sale. Ellora’s Cave offered on Hidden Force, a new gay erotic romance novella, right before the conference!  Woo hoo!


Hugs to all,



Ciao a tutti. Il mio nome è Shayla Kersten e Elisa mi ha gentilmente chiesto di scrivere qualcosa sulla mia esperienza al raduno nazionale della Romance Writers of America.


Di solito, io evito tutte queste cose ma non avrei mai perso questa. Ho potuto passare del tempo con le mie amiche, Delilah Devlin, Myla Jackson, Layla Chase, Eve Savage e Megan Kerans. Io, Delilah, Myla e Layla abbiamo condiviso una camera. Completamente per caso, Eve e Megan sono finite nella stanza a fianco. Abbiamo fatto un grande pigiama party! Non ne è derivata nessuna birichinata se non il fatto che abbiamo dipinto la faccia di Delilah con tutto il trucco possibile quando lei si è addormentata presto Sabato ma sfortunatamente, ha il sonno leggero.


Mercoledì è stato molto interessante. Uno degli editori di Delilah, la Avon Red, l’ha contattata per una intervista televisiva con un giornalista del posto. Mercoledì mattina il nostro gruppo l’ha accompagnata in un caffè locale dove abbiamo guardato Mike Castellucci del canale televisivo WFAA tessere la sua magia. Per vedere il risultato finale, guardate il video a questo link ( Se controllate lo sfondo, vedrete il gruppo di Delilah.


Il mio primo libro in stampa, The Cost of Eternity, è uscito in tempo per l’incontro nazionale con gli autori. Mercoledì notte è stato fantastico. Oltre 450 autrici hanno autografato i loro libri per beneficenza! L’evento ha raccolto oltre 56.000 dollari. Le autrici erano sedute in ordine alfabetico così la mia amica e critica, Megan Kerans, era proprio a fianco a me. Dall’altro lato di lei avresti potuto vedere Sherrilyn Kenyon, ma lei stava firmando come Kinley MacGregor così era nella sezione “m”. Ci siamo divertite a dirigere il traffico verso di lei! Era vestita in un vestito da sera lungo e con un cappello con un enorme cigno nero sopra. Era meravigliosa!


Quando delle persone con l’atteggiamento confuse girovagavano, noi chiedevamo loro, “Stai cercando Sherrilyn?” Immaginate la mia sorpresa quando una donna ha risposto “No, stavo cercando te!” Ho strillato come una sciocca adolescente! LOL Ho venduto un totale di sette libri, che è molto per un nuovo autore in un raduno con così tanti nomi famosi. Ho anche incontrato una donna che ho conosciuto online per tre anni e non avevo mai visto in persona. E’ venuta a cena con noi dopo l’incontro e abbiamo fatto faville.


Ho incontrato diversi editori e un agente a cui sono interessata ad inviare il mio lavoro. Ho incontrato un sacco di autrici che conosco online ma che non aveva mai avuto l’occasione di incontrare di persona. Le mie compagne di stanza ed io abbiamo condiviso alcune idee eccellenti così adesso ho alcuni nuovi progetti su cui lavorare.


Una cosa che ha reso meno bella il raduno sono stati alcuni cambiamenti che ha fatto il Consiglio di Amministrazione della RWA. La regola di revisione del “riconoscimento degli editori” ha colpito vicino molti autrici di ebooks. Ho partecipato alla Riunione Generale Annuale e le masse hanno fatto sentire il loro scontento, forte e chiaro. Alcuni cambiamenti e spiegazioni saranno date più avanti.


In breve la RWA non ha più il “riconoscimento degli editori”. Adesso è chiamata “eleggibilità”. Per essere eleggibile, un editore deve pagare un minimo di anticipo e non essere una casa editrici sussidiaria. L’unica cosa che un editore ottiene essendo eleggibile è uno spazio libero al raduno nazionale. Se un editore non eleggibile vuole partecipare e avere parola nelle riunioni o partecipare ai workshop, dovrà pagare una quota d’iscrizione non ancora stabilita.


Dato che il riconoscimento di un editore non è più applicabile, la condizione della PAN (la rete delle autrici pubblicate) sarà ora basata solamente sul fatto che una autrici raggiunga una certo ammontare di dollari dai suoi diritti d’autore, come anticipo o come totale di entrambi. Questo potrebbe essere una buona cosa. Quando la PAN era basata sulla vendita di un libro ad un editore riconosciuto, molti autori pubblicati non potevano entrare nella PAN. Tuttavia alcune autrici abbiano obiettato nel dover dimostrare la loro eleggibilità dato che questo prevede fornire delle informazioni finanziarie personali. Tutte quelle che erano nella PAN secondo le vecchie regole possono rimanere.


L’ultima questione, è quella con più contenzioso, in piano, era la definizione di casa editrice “sussidiaria”. La definizione della RWA includeva gli editori che vendevano “principalmente” dai loro siti web. Questo è importante perché una delle regole della PAN esclude i libri di questo genere di editori ed in più rende l’editore incapace di partecipare alla riunione nazionale. Molti editori di ebooks vendono dai loro siti web. Al Raduno Generale Annuale, il consiglio di amministrazione ha spiegato la dichiarazione. Hanno stabilito che se un editore ha altre forme di distribuzione, come la Ellora’s Cave che vende anche libri in stampa attraverso diversi canali di distribuzione come attraverso il suo sito web, allora non sono considerate dele case editrici sussidiare.


A parte il leggero disagio per i nuovi cambiamenti, il raduno è stato fantastico. Anche i problemi erano interessanti perché sono stata capace di vedere i soci in azione al Raduno Generale Annuale.


Ora, sto per finire il mio ultimo lavoro. Ellora’s Cave ha comprato Hidden Force, un nuovo romanzo erotico M/M, proprio prima del raduno! Wow!


Abbracci a tutti,




Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

2007 Linda Lael Miller

Best First Book

The Husband Trap by Tracy Anne Warren
Ballantine - (345483081)
Charlotte Herscher, editor

Here comes the substitute bride. . . .

Violet Brantford has always longed for the passionate embrace of Adrian Winter, the wealthy Duke of Raeburn. Problem is, he's set to marry Violet's vivacious, more socially polished look-alike twin sister, Jeannette. But when Jeannette refuses to go through with the ceremony mere minutes before it is to begin, soft-spoken Violet finds herself walking down the aisle and taking vows in her sister's place. Soon shy Violet is a high-society wife, trying to keep her real identity a secret while living out the fantasies of her wildest dreams.

Adrian thinks he knows exactly what he's gotten himself into: Jeannette may be flighty and, well, a bit self-involved, but she's the picture-perfect wife to carry on the Winter name. Yet this marriage of convenience brings the groom more than he bargained for when he finds his sweet, innocent wife surprising him at every turn. And though he never planned on true love, Adrian is definitely in danger of losing his heart.

Best First Book Finalists

A Killing Tide by P.J. Alderman
Dorchester Publishing, Love Spell - (0505526964)
Alicia Condon, editor

Rekindled by Tamera Alexander
Bethany House Publishers - (0764201085)
Karen Schurrer, editor

Adiós to My Old Life by Caridad Ferrer
Pocket Books, MTV Books - (1416524738)
Lauren McKenna, editor

Spying in High Heels by Gemma Halliday
Dorchester Publishing, Making It - (0843957352)
Leah Hultenschmidt, editor

Blind-Date Marriage by Fiona Harper
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Romance - (9780263849417)
Kimberley Young, editor

Ten Thousand Charms by Allison Pittman
Random House, Waterbrook Multnomah - (1590525752)
Rod Morris, editor

Eyes of Crow by Jeri Smith-Ready
Harlequin Enterprises, Luna - (373802586)
Stacy Boyd, editor

Best Contemporary Single Title Romance

Adiós to My Old Life by Caridad Ferrer
Pocket Books, MTV Books - (1416524738)
Lauren McKenna, editor

Does a seventeen-year-old from Miami have what it takes to be the next big Latin superstar? And does she really want it?

As a talented singer-guitarist with a dream of going pro, Alegría Montero is getting fed up with the endless, boring parade of quinceañeras and other family party gigs. She's longing for something bigger. And Oye Mi Canto -- a new reality TV show that's searching for the next Latin superstar -- is definitely that. Ali figures she'll never make the cut, but auditioning seems like a good way to get her overprotective father to take her ambitions seriously.

To Ali's complete shock, she passes her audition. Next thing she knows, she's dealing with wardrobe fittings, cameras, reporters, vocal coaches, and websites designed by lovestruck fanboys. She's also dealing with jealousy, malice, and sabotage among the contestants, all of which has her wondering: Is it really time to shoot for the stars and try to win the whole competition, or is it time to say "Cut!" and become a normal teenager again?

Best Contemporary Single Title Romance Finalists

The Kept Woman by Susan Donovan
St. Martin's Press - (0312939507)
Monique Patterson, editor

Ride a Painted Pony by Kathleen Eagle
Harlequin Enterprises, MIRA - (778323595)
Leslie Wainger, editor

Lucy Gets Her Life Back by Stef Ann Holm
Harlequin Enterprises, MIRA - (0778323447)
Valerie Gray, editor

Irresistible by Susan Mallery
Harlequin Enterprises, HQN - (3737711772)
Abby Zidle, editor

Heiress For Hire by Erin McCarthy
Berkley, Sensation - (0425207617)
Cindy Hwang, editor

Must Love Mistletoe by Christie Ridgway
Avon Books - (0061140201)
Lucia Macro, editor

Aussie Rules by Jill Shalvis
Kensington Books, Brava - (0758211392)
Kate Duffy, editor

Summer at Willow Lake by Susan Wiggs
Harlequin Enterprises, MIRA - (0778323250)
Margaret Marbury, editor

Best Inspirational Romance

Revealed by Tamera Alexander
Bethany House Publishers - (0764201093)
Karen Schurrer, editor

Annabelle Grayson has been given a second chance at life, but she can't claim it with the cloud of her past hanging over her in Willow Springs. After her husband dies, she advertises for a trail guide to accompany her to land waiting for her in Idaho- and a most unlikely candidate applies for the job. Matthew Taylor is a man on the run, with consequences of past mistakes pursuing him at every turn. Meeting Annabelle Grayson the first time was unpleasant enough, but when she crosses his path again, her presence in his life- and what she reveals- is devastating. If given a single wish, Matthew would turn back time and right a grievous wrong. If given a second wish, he would make Annabelle Grayson pay.

2007 RITA for Best Inspirational Romance Finalists

Rekindled by Tamera Alexander
Bethany House Publishers - (0764201085)
Karen Schurrer, editor

Be My Neat-Heart by Judy Baer
Harlequin Enterprises, Steeple Hill Love Inspired - (373873670)
Joan Marlowe Golan, editor

A Family Forever by Brenda Coulter
Harlequin Enterprises, Steeple Hill Love Inspired - (0373873581)
Krista Stroever, editor

The Measure of a Lady by Deeanne Gist
Bethany House Publishers - (0764200739)
David Long and Julie Klassen, editors

Ten Thousand Charms by Allison Pittman
Random House, Waterbrook Multnomah - (1590525752)
Rod Morris, editor

My So-Called Love Life by Allie Pleiter
Harlequin Enterprises, Steeple Hill Love Inspired - (9780373873852)
Krista Stroever, editor

Violette Between by Alison Strobel
Random House, Waterbrook Multnomah - (9781578567942)
Shannon Hill, editor

Best Long Contemporary Romance

The Mommy Quest by Lori Handeland
Harlequin Enterprises, Harlequin Superromance - (373713347)
Johanna Raisanen, editor

Life has never been easy for Tim. Abandoned and left to fend for himself, he's finally found a home with Dean Luchetti. But something's missing. Tim's convinced that what he needs is a mother and what Dean needs is a wife. And he thinks he's got the perfect candidate in Stella O'Connell, his school's principal.

The last person Stella expects to encounter at her new school is Dean Luchetti, the man who broke her heart as a teenager. Dean and Stella may have a difficult past, but they feel the same strong attraction they always did -- and if they're not careful, history could repeat itself. Breaking each other's hearts is one thing, but breaking Tim's is an altogether different matter.

2007 RITA for Best Long Contemporary Romance Finalists

Enemy Husband by Nina Bruhns
Harlequin Enterprises, Silhouette Intimate Moments - (0373274726)
Jessica Alvarez and Patience Smith, editors

Heat Of The Moment by Diana Duncan
Harlequin Enterprises, Silhouette Intimate Moments - (0373275048)
Susan Litman, editor

Under His Spell by Kristin Hardy
Harlequin Enterprises, Silhouette Special Edition - (0373280343)
Gail Chasan, editor

Make-Believe Cowboy by Terry McLaughlin
Harlequin Enterprises, Harlequin Superromance - (037371372X)
Laura Shin, editor

Up All Night by Joanne Rock
Harlequin Enterprises, Harlequin Blaze - (373792441)
Wanda Ottewell, editor

Man With A Past by Kay Stockham
Harlequin Enterprises, Harlequin Superromance - (0373713479)
Johanna Raisanen, editor

Family First by Margaret Watson
Harlequin Enterprises, Harlequin Superromance - (373713371)
Victoria Curran, editor

Best Long Historical Romance

On the Way to the Wedding by Julia Quinn
Avon Books - (0060531258)
Lyssa Keusch, editor

A funny thing happened...

Unlike most men of his acquaintance, Gregory Bridgerton believes in true love. And he is convinced that when he finds the woman of his dreams, he will know in an instant that she is the one. And that is exactly what happened. Except...

She wasn’t the one. In fact, the ravishing Miss Hermione Watson is in love with another. But her best friend, the ever-practical Lady Lucinda Abernathy, wants to save Hermione from a disastrous alliance, so she offers to help Gregory win her over. But in the process, Lucy falls in love. With Gregory! Except...

Lucy is engaged. And her uncle is not inclined to let her back out of the betrothal, even once Gregory comes to his senses and realizes that it is Lucy, with her sharp wit and sunny smile, who makes his heart sing. And now, on the way to the wedding, Gregory must risk everything to ensure that when it comes time to kiss the bride, he is the only man standing at the altar...

E' successa una cosa divertente...

A differenza di molti uomini di sua conoscenza, Gregory Bridgerton crede nel vero amore. Ed è convinto che quando troverà la donna dei suoi sogni, saprà in un istante che lei è "la predestinata". E questo è esattamente quello che succede. Eccetto che...

Lei non era la predestinata. Infatti, l'affascinante Miss Hermione Watson è innamorata di un altro. Ma la sua migliore amica, la sempre pratica Lady Lucinda Abernathy, vuole salvare Hermione da una disastrosa alleanza, così si offre di aiutare Gregory nel conquistarla. Ma nel processo, Lucy si innamora. Di Gregory! Eccetto che...

Lucy è fidanzata. E suo zio non era incline a lasciarla libera dal suo fidanzamento, anche quando Gregory ritorna in se e realizza che è Lucy, con il suo spirito acuto e il sorriso sorale, che fa cantare il suo cuore. E ora, sulla strada del matrimonio, Gregory deve mettere a rischio tutto per assicurarsi che quando arriverà il momento di baciare la sposa, lui sia l'unico uomo in piedi davanti all'altare...

2007 RITA for Best Long Historical Romance Finalists

Surrender by Pamela Clare
Dorchester Publishing, Leisure - (0843954884)
Alicia Condon, editor

Lady of Sin by Madeline Hunter
Bantam Dell - (553587315)
Shauna Summers, editor

The Marriage Spell by Mary Jo Putney
Ballantine - (0345449185)
Charlotte Herscher, editor

The Slightest Provocation by Pam Rosenthal
Signet, Eclipse - (451219473)
Laura Cifelli, editor

The Husband Trap by Tracy Anne Warren
Ballantine - (345483081)
Charlotte Herscher, editor

Best Romantic Novella

"'Tis the Silly Season" in A NASCAR Holiday by Roxanne St. Claire
Harlequin Enterprises, HQN - (373771568)
Abby Zidle, editor

Look what's under the tree . . .
Three red-hot NASCAR romances
That are sure to get your pulse racing!

'Tis the Silly Season . . . by Roxanne St. Claire: NASCAR Busch Series racer Clay Slater needs a ready-made family -- fast -- to impress a potential sponsor. Lisa Mahoney can't resist the chance to give her kids the storybook Christmas she's never been able to . . . and if that includes a kiss under the mistletoe, so much the better!

Guarda cosa c'è sotto l'albero...
Tre romanzi sensuali di NASCAR
Di sicuro ti faranno accelerare il battito del cuore!

'Tis the Silly Season... di Roxanne St. Claire: il corridore della NASCAR Busch Series Clay Slater ha bisogno di una famiglia già pronta, velocemente, per impressionare un potenziale finanziatore. Lisa Mahoney non può resistere alla possibilità di dare ai suoi bambini il Natale da favola che non è mai stata capace di dare loro... e se questo significa un bacio sotto il vischio, ancora meglio!

2007 RITA for Best Romantic Novella Finalists

"Summer Breeze" in Come September by Jacquie D'Alessandro
Harlequin Enterprises, Signature Select - (0373837232)
Alethea Spiridon, editor

"Her Mad Grace" in Bad Boys Ahoy! by Sylvia Day
Kensington Books, Brava - (0758212518)
Kate Duffy, editor

"Somebody's Lover" in Somebody's Lover by Jasmine Haynes
Berkley, Sensation - (425209962)
Christine Zika, editor

"Reluctant Hero" in My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys by Lorraine Heath
Kensington Books - (758213018)
Audrey LeFehr, editor

"Ready & Willing" in The Boys Are Back in Town by Tanya Michaels
Harlequin Enterprises, Signature Select - (373837135)
Jennifer Green, editor

"An Affair to Remember" in And the Envelope, Please by Emilie Rose
Harlequin Enterprises, Signature Select - (373836937)
Tina Colombo, editor

"You Can Count on Me" in I'll Be Home for Christmas by Roxanne St. Claire
Pocket Books - (074344227X)
Micki Nuding, editor

Best Paranormal Romance

A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole
Pocket Books, Star - (1416509879)
Lauren McKenna, editor

Acclaimed author Kresley Cole introduces a sizzling new series with this tale of a fierce werewolf and a bewitching vampire -- unlikely soul mates whose passion will test the boundaries of life and death. A mythic warrior who'll stop at nothing to possess her . . . After enduring years of torture from the vampire horde, Lachlain MacRieve, leader of the Lykae Clan, is enraged to find the predestined mate he's waited millennia for is a vampire. Or partly one. This Emmaline is a small, ethereal half Valkyrie/half vampire, who somehow begins to soothe the fury burning within him. A vampire captured by her wildest fantasy . . . Sheltered Emmaline Troy finally sets out to uncover the truth about her deceased parents -- until a powerful Lykae claims her as his mate and forces her back to his ancestral Scottish castle. There, her fear of the Lykae -- and their notorious dark desires -- ebbs as he begins a slow, wicked seduction to sate her own dark cravings. An all-consuming desire . . . Yet when an ancient evil from her past resurfaces, will their desire deepen into a love that can bring a proud warrior to his knees and turn a gentle beauty into the fighter she was born to be? Includes an excerpt from Kresley Cole's next romance novel, No Rest for the Wicked.

L'acclamata autrice Kresley Cole introduce una nuova serie eccitante con questo racconto di un licantropo feroce e di una vampira affascinante, compagni improbabili la cui passione testerà i limiti della vita e della morte. Un guerriero mitico che non si fermerà di fronte a niente per possederla. . . Dopo avere sopportato anni di tortura da orde di vampiri, Lachlain MacRieve, capo del Clan di Lykae, è fuori per trovare la compagna predestinata che sta aspettando da millenni come vampiro. O parzialmente uno. Questa Emmaline è una piccola, eterea mezzo valchiria/mezza vampira, che in qualche modo comincia ad alleviare la furia che brucia in lui. Un vampiro bloccato dalla sua fantasia più selvaggia. . . Emmaline Troy è uscita allo scoperto per scoprire la verità sulla morte dei suoi genitori, fino a che un Lykae potente la esige come sua compagna e la riporta indietro al suo avito castello scozzese. Là, la sua paura dei Lykae, e dei loro famigerati desideri oscuri, diminuisce mentre lui comincia una lenta e peccaminosa seduzione per sedare i propri desideri oscuri. Un desiderio bruciante... Tuttavia quando una malvagità antica dal suo passato riappare, il loro desiderio si approfondirà in amore che può portare un guerriero fiero alle sue ginocchia e trasformare una bellezza delicata nella combattente che è nata per essere? Include un brano dal romanzo seguente di Kresley Cole, No Rest for the Wicked.

2007 RITA for Best Paranormal Romance Finalists

The Dream Thief by Shana Abe
Bantam Dell - (0553804936)
Shauna Summers, editor

His Mistress By Morning by Elizabeth Boyle
Avon Books, Treasure - (60784024)
Lyssa Keusch, editor

Eye of Heaven by Marjorie M. Liu
Dorchester Publishing, Leisure - (0843957654)
Chris Keeslar, editor

Shadow Touch by Marjorie M. Liu
Dorchester Publishing, Love Spell - (0505526301)
Chris Keeslar, editor

Secrets of the Highwayman by Sara MacKenzie
Avon Books - (0060795522)
Erika Tsang, editor

Date Me, Baby, One More Time by Stephanie Rowe
Warner, Forever - (0446617660)
Melanie Murray, editor

Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder
Harlequin Enterprises, LUNA - (0373802498)
Mary-Theresa Hussey, editor

Best Romantic Suspense

Blackout by Annie Solomon
Warner Books - (446616311)
Melanie Murray, editor

Living Nightmare

A month ago Margo Scott was a book dealer with family and friends. Now, suddenly, she can't remember the last four weeks of her life, everyone close to her has disappeared, and she's the prime suspect in a murder. When an intruder attacks, she responds with lightning-quick moves she has no memory of ever learning.

Undercover agent Jake Wise has her in his sights and can't decide if this mysterious woman is an assassin or a pawn. Is he tempted to protect her because she's innocent or because he's falling for her? Thrust together, these two loners realize that trusting each other is their only hope of survival. Because the good guys and the bad guys have one thing in common. They all want Margo Scott dead-the sooner, the better.

2007 RITA for Best Romantic Suspense Finalists

The Kill by Allison Brennan
Ballantine - (0345485238)
Charlotte Herscher, editor

Under The Wire by Cindy Gerard
St. Martin's Press - (031298104X)
Monique Patterson, editor

Relentless by Jo Leigh
Harlequin Enterprises, Blaze - (037379293X)
Birgit Davis-Todd, editor

Deadly Gamble by Linda Lael Miller
Harlequin Enterprises, HQN - (037377141X)
Joan Marlowe Golan, editor

Quiet as the Grave by Kathleen O'Brien
Harlequin Enterprises, Signature Select - (373836953)
Laura Shin, editor

Tempting The Devil by Patricia Potter
Berkley, Sensation - (425212580)
Christine Zika, editor

Born in Death by J.D. Robb
Penguin Putnam - (0399153470)
Leslie Gelbman, editor

The Bachelor Trap by Elizabeth Thornton
Bantam Dell - (553587544)
Shauna Summers, editor

Best Short Contemporary Romance

From the First by Jessica Bird
Harlequin Enterprises, Silhouette Special Edition - (0373247508)
Stacy Boyd, editor

Surviving the sailing accident that killed his partner leaves professional sailor Alex Moorehouse badly damaged, both physically and emotionally. Healing only begins once Alex faces contractor Cassandra Cutler, his friend's widow -- and the woman he despises himself for loving. Then Alex's sisters hire Cassandra to rebuild their BandB, and her proximity forces Alex to go one step further. By accepting some difficult truths about himself, Cassandra and her late husband, he opens himself up to the possibility of a relationship with her. Jessica Bird concludes the Moorehouse Legacy with From the First, an edgy, intensely sensual and occasionally wryly humorous story. Not easily forgotten. (Catherine Witmer )

2007 RITA for Best Short Contemporary Romance Finalists

Rapid Fire by Jessica Andersen
Harlequin Enterprises, Intrigue - (0373229283)
Allison Lyons, editor

The Lost Prince by Cindy Dees
Harlequin Enterprises, Silhouette Intimate Moments/Romantic Suspense - (373275110)
Demetria Lucas, editor

The Perfect Boyfriend by Barbara Dunlop
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Modern Extra - (0263849899)
Kathryn Lye, editor

House of Midnight Fantasies by Kristi Gold
Harlequin Enterprises, Silhouette Desire - (0373767285)
Patience Smith, editor

The Specialist by Rhonda Nelson
Harlequin Enterprises, Harlequin Blaze - (0373792816)
Brenda Chin, editor

Married in Haste by Christine Rimmer
Harlequin Enterprises, Silhouette Special Edition - (9780373247776)
Gail Chasan, editor

The Boss and Miss Baxter by Wendy Warren
Harlequin Enterprises, Silhouette Special Edition - (373247370)
Susan Litman, editor

Best Short Historical Romance

The Book of True Desires by Betina Krahn
Berkley, Jove - (515141704)
Christine Zika, editor

Cordelia O'Keefe Blackburn strikes a deal with her crusty old tycoon of a grandfather to fund an expedition that will make her name as an explorer. But first, he requires she prove herself by locating three Mayan stone carvings and something known as "the gift of the jaguar."

To make matters worse, he insists on sending along someone-- his arrogant butler!-- to authenticate her findings, and it becomes clear that a powerful and ruthless third party is set on finding the fabled stones and treasure first.

As the trail leads them across the Caribbean and into Mexico, Cordelia learns that tall, sardonic Hartford Goodnight is far more than just a butler. And Goodnight learns that beautiful, provocative Cordelia is as tough as she is tempting. Soon, the pair is hip deep in danger and desire, racing the competition to the prize-- and trying to keep the sparks between them from setting the rain forest ablaze!

Cordelia O'Keefe Blackburn fa un patto con il suo vecchio e decrepito nonno, vecchio magnate, per organizzare una spedizione che la riconoscerà come esploratrice. Ma prima, lui le chiede di dimostrare le sue capacità localizzando tre pietre incise dell'epoca Maya e qualcosa conosciuto come "il dono del giaguaro".

Per peggiorare le cose, lui insiste nel mandare con lei qualcuno, il suo arrogante maggiordomo!, per autentificare le sue scoperte, e diventa chiaro che un potente e spietata terza parte si è messa per prima alla ricerca delle favolose pietre e del tesoro.

Mentre il percorso li conduce attraverso i Caraibi fino in Messico, Cordelia impara che l'alto, sardonico Hartford Goodnight è molto più che un semplice maggiordomo. E Goodnight impara che la bellissima, provocante Cordelia è tosta quanto tentatrice. Presto, la coppia è immersa nel pericolo e nel desiderio, competendo per il premio, e cercando di impedire che le scintille che sprizzano tra loro incendino la foresta pluviale!

2007 RITA for Best Short Historical Romance Finalists

The Barefoot Princess by Christina Dodd
Avon Books - (60561178)
Carrie Feron, editor

She's No Princess by Laura Lee Guhrke
Avon Books - (60774746)
Erika Tsang, editor

A Duke of Her Own by Lorraine Heath
Avon Books - (61129631)
Lucia Macro, editor

The Taming of the Duke by Eloisa James
Avon Books - (0060781580)
Lucia Macro, editor

Devil In Winter by Lisa Kleypas
Avon Books - (006056251X)
Lucia Macro, editor

Scandal In Spring by Lisa Kleypas
Avon Books - (60562536)
Lucia Macro, editor

The Devil's Waltz by Anne Stuart
Harlequin Enterprises, MIRA - (0778322734)
Margaret Marbury, editor

Novel with Strong Romantic Elements

A Lady Raised High by Jennifer Ashley writing as Laurien Gardner
Berkley - (515140899)
Ginjer Buchanon, editor

Young Anne Boleyn entranced the most powerful man of his time, King Henry VIII. But she would not yield to him unless he offered her marriage and the Crown.
To win her, Henry would challenge the powers of Heaven--and create upheaval on Earth.

2007 RITA Finalists for a Novel with Strong Romantic Elements

On Blue Falls Pond by Susan Crandall
Warner, Forever - (446616397)
Karen Kosztolnyik, editor

Spying in High Heels by Gemma Halliday
Dorchester Publishing, Making It - (0843957352)
Leah Hultenschmidt, editor

Magic Hour by Kristin Hannah
Ballantine - (0345467523)
Linda Marrow, editor

Her Perfect Life by Vicki Hinze
Harlequin Enterprises, Signature Select - (373836829)
Susan Litman, editor

California Demon by Julie Kenner
Berkley, Trade - (042521043x)
Ginjer Buchanon, editor

Dead End Dating by Kimberly Raye
Ballantine - (0345492161)
Charlotte Herscher, editor

Eyes of Crow by Jeri Smith-Ready
Harlequin Enterprises, Luna - (373802586)
Stacy Boyd, editor

Best Traditional Romance

Claiming His Family by Barbara Hannay
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Romance - (373039077)
Kimberley Young, editor

Five years after their divorce, jewelry designer Erin Reilly agrees to let her son, Joey, spend the summer in the outback with her ex-husband, cattleman Luke Manning. Erin has no intention of returning there herself, but when she's summoned to Joey's side after a minor accident, the familiar surroundings stir her long-dormant feelings for Luke. They've both changed, but can they pick up where they left off? Barbara Hannay's Claiming His Family has an emotional component that some may appreciate, and rough but tender Luke has his moments. The missing ingredient is sexual tension between Luke and Erin. (Catherine Witmer)

Un amore che sboccia, la scelta di passare la vita insieme, un figlio in arrivo... Poi qualcosa s'incrina. Per cinque lunghi anni. Fino a ora.

C'è un'unica persona che Erin Reilly ama più di quanto abbia amato il suo ex marito, Luke Manning: il figlio che ha avuto da lui, Joey. E proprio per il bene del bambino, disperatamente bisognoso di una figura paterna, decide che è tempo che i due si conoscano. Appena Erin arriva nella tenuta di Luke, dalla quale è fuggita cinque anni prima, timorosa di vivere una vita troppo isolata, i ricordi l'assalgono. E sono dolcissimi e struggenti. Quando poi il suo sguardo incontra quello dell'ex marito, la scintilla scocca di nuovo, come se non si fosse mai spenta. È veramente cambiato qualcosa, da allora? Un modo per saperlo potrebbe essere...

2007 RITA for Best Traditional Romance Finalists

A Woman Worth Loving by Jackie Braun
Harlequin Enterprises, Romance - (0373038976)
Stacy Boyd, editor

Blind-Date Marriage by Fiona Harper
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Romance - (9780263849417)
Kimberley Young, editor

The Doctor's Proposal by Marion Lennox
Harlequin Enterprises, Romance - (373038968)
Sheila Hodgson, editor

The Surgeon's Family Miracle by Marion Lennox
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Medical Romance - (9780263852196)
Sheila Hodgson, editor

Domesticating Luc by Sandra Paul
Harlequin Enterprises, Silhouette Romance - (0373198027)
Mary-Theresa Hussey, editor

Past Rita Winners

2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996 - 1995 - 1994 - 1993 - 1992 - 1991 - 1990 - 1989 - 1988 - 1987 - 1986 - 1985 - 1984 - 1983 - 1982


Alesia Holliday

Amie Stuart

Ann Christopher

Ann Christopher & Nalini Singh

Candy Tan & Sarah Weldon

Caroline Linden & Elen Silver

Claire Delacroix

Elaine Fox

Eloisa James

Eve Silver

Gena Showalter

Heather Osborn

Heather Osborn & Victoria Dahl

HelenKay Dimon

Jaci Burton, Michelle M. Pillow & Mandy M. Roth

Jami Alden

Jamie Sobrato

Jayne Ann Krentz

Jessica Inclan

Jill Monroe

Jill Shalvis

J.R. Ward

Judith McNaught

Julie Kenner

Kathryn Smith

Kayla Perrin

Kelley Armstrong

Keri Arthur

Kimberly Lewellyn

Kristen Painter, Maureen McGowan & Sue Paytas

Lara Adrian

Linda Winstead Jones, Beverly Barton & Linda Howard

Lisa Kleypas

Liz Maverick & Marianne Mancusi

Lori Wilde

Marjorie M. Liu

Maureen McKade

Nalini Singh & Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts

P.C. Cast

Rachel Gibson & Julia Quinn

Ruth Ryan Langan

Sabrina Jeffries

Sandra Hill

Sandra Schwab

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Suzanne Brockmann

photo by





Sixth in the bestselling futuristic romance series—from a RITA Award-winning author. First time in trade!

DuFleur Thyme is a scientist who's secretly experimenting with time. She'll allow no distractions from her work—not even from a HeartMate. Meanwhile, Saille T'Willow has sent his HeartGift out into the world in hopes of finding his HeartMate, who, it turns out, is DuFleur. Still, DuFleur wants nothing to do with Saille, especially when she discovers that it was his grandmother who brought about her father's ruin. Unfortunately, her body can't help but submit to the passion he stirs in her. But when a scandal threatens Saille's position as head of the family, will DuFleur stand by his side?





Sexy ex-fighter Simon Evans has the perfect life—until he catches his girlfriend cheating. To work off his rage, he goes back into the ring full-force. But a gutsy and gorgeous P.I. is about to send him reeling with a secret about his family—and one about her heart.

Simon is an ultimate fighter, but there's no fighting
the facts when he walks in to find his girlfriend in
bed with another man. He determines to live free and
without commitments as his heart not only mends, but
becomes as hard as ice. So, when private investigator
Dakota comes into his life representing a father who
walked out on him years ago, Simon is beyond
Dakota is determined. But, someone else is determined
to stop her. Simon joins her to find out who is trying
to kill her, and more importantly; why?





Lisa Singleton has an unusual roommate—a fifty-foot dragon named Caleb who has glittering scales and a bad attitude. Little does she know that Caleb is actually a powerful warrior sent to protect her from those out to steal her magic and destroy the world. Or that Caleb can take the human form of a sexy hunk. Now, if he doesn't stop distracting her with those gorgeous bedroom eyes, they may not have time to stop their enemies before all of existence is wiped out. At least Lisa and Caleb will have savored every last minute.

Lisa Singleton has an unusual roomate, a golden dragon, a sexy warrior who has been sent to earth to protect Lisa from harm. Lisa comes from a long line of very special women with very special powers. Witches, black dragons, and demons will do anything to get their hands on her magic and the secret the women of her family have protected through the centuries. First of a new paranormal romance series.





Six Phaze favorites deliver stories of homoerotic passion and romance.

Mask by James Buchanan: Don Hecto Luz Aritza and his mayordomo y compañero Martín have been lovers since they were boys. Now that the Don is to wed a Frenchwoman, Martín must use magic and love to fight of the woman who wants to tear the lovers apart. Set in Colonial Mexico, Mask weaves the mysticism, suppression and magic of legends of the old southwest into a tale of two men who must fight to be together.

Devotion by Jade Falconer: Marcus was Prince Wilhelm's personal slave. The prince desires his lovely slave, and they share a bed every night. Their love transcends all convention; but when a new slave, Frederic, threatens their idyllic existence, will their love prevail? Or will misunderstanding forever tear them apart?

Dragon's Fate by Eliza Gayle: Called to service after a Bone Oracle reading, Kian strives to become the best D/s trainer that he can. But after meeting the bad-tempered and wildly sexy Fae Prince who would prepare him, Kian can’t deny the overwhelming attraction he feels for Garon. Can he let go of his life long belief of Dominance in favor of a different role?

Forced to train a Dominant Dragon, something he swore he would never do, Garon took him home. Irritated with his Father’s demands, Garon sought to quickly train the Dragon and send him on his way. But he didn’t count on Kian responding to every demand he made or the repercussions of bringing him to his knees.

Heads or Tails by Jamie Hill: Jeff Roberts' life is all planned out for him. He's engaged to the boss's daughter, and eventually he'll run the construction/real estate company he works for. It's going to be the perfect life.

When Kurt Lacey joins the construction crew, Jeff is suddenly fighting urges he'd forced himself to repress. There were male lovers in his past, but deciding that wasn't what he wanted, Jeff proceeded to 'go straight'. Kurt has other ideas, and one night together has Jeff rethinking his life. Does he want to be secure, responsible and boring? Wild, exciting and nontraditional seems like lots more fun. It all comes down to the flip of a coin—and whether Jeff chooses Heads or Tails.

Hardcore by Selah March: Disgraced police officer Jesse Bonham is a man with a mission -- eliminate the thug that ruined his life. Student and part-time bartender Sean Carr wants no part of Jesse's vendetta, no matter how hot he finds the ex-cop. When Jesse kidnaps Sean to use as bait, they discover the meaning of "out of the frying pan and into the fire."

Behind the Beard by Yeva Wiest: Madly in lust, handsome young counselor Byron Jones hides his secret self. The object of his attraction: Lord Richard Kincade, the Queen’s most sought after barrister. With the help of two conniving old codgers, a mischievous miss, and some six-legged buggers, Byron “wigs out” to capture the heart of Lord Kincade.

This story proves the bell of the ball just might be a beau, but everything depends on who is really hiding behind the beard.

Called to service after a Bone Oracle reading, Kian strives to become the best D/s trainer that he can. But after meeting the bad-tempered and wildly sexy Fae Prince who would prepare him, Kian can't deny the overwhelming attraction he feels for Garon. Can he let go of his life long belief of Dominance in favor of a different role?

Forced to train a Dominant Dragon, something he swore he would never do, Garon took him home. Irritated with his Father's demands, Garon sought to quickly train the Dragon and send him on his way. But he didn’t count on Kian responding to every demand he made or the repercussions of bringing him to his knees.




Certain she can't live without Hamre Bjorklund, the impetuous Sophie Knutson rejects her father's request to postpone her marriage until after graduation and convinces Hamre to elope. But life as a fisherman's bride in Seattle is not at all that Sophie had envisioned. Pregnant and lonely while Hamre's out at sea, she hires on at a fish cannery, only to be fired after fainting on the job. When tragedy strikes, heartbroken Sophie can think only of returning home to Blessing. But will her family welcome her after the way she's hurt them by her defiant behavior? And will she ever open her heart to love again?





War with their archrival, the evil Ansara clan, is unavoidable. For Mercy Raintree, a war means she must assume her position as guardian of the Sanctuary—the sacred Raintree home place deep in the Smoky Mountains. But doing so threatens to disclose her most prized secret—one Mercy has kept to herself for six years.

As the solstice looms and the battle heats up, Dranir Judah Ansara gathers his forces, intending to wipe every Raintree from the face of the land. Including Mercy, whom he's claimed as his to kill. Then he comes face-to-face with her—and with her daughter, Eve. Will Mercy's closely guarded secret change not only the outcome of the battle…but also Judah's own bitter heart?





Ana was spawned by the Dark Lord himself, but every instinct she possesses screams that she isn't evil. She is good—just as her mother was. But Ana has to know the truth about her shape-shifting abilities and mystical origins. Her jaguar senses and dreams lead her to the jungles of Peru—and to a kind stranger with haunting green eyes.

Mace Ridfort is no ordinary man. He is a trained assassin and Warrior for the Light. Though Mace is duty bound to destroy the dark forces, Ana senses he is also her salvation from a centuries-old destiny. And with Mace by her side, Ana must now withstand the most difficult battle of all—to save the world from a thousand-year darkness….







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