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Dear Mr Griffin: -how do you

Dear Mr Griffin:

-how do you chose the dominant color of a cover? It depends on your artistic sensibility or on the subject of the novel?

-It's easier with you to draw men or women?

- Do you happen to know if the half naked he-s and she-s on the covers do really make books more appealing for the reader? Is that a still valid marketing strategy, or an embarassing legacy to get rid of? (I'm not exressing an opinion, just asking).

-Are you always asked to put the hero and/or the heroine on the cover of a romance novel, or is it your own choice? I like covers with old houses and beautiful english landscapes, and may be the characters on the background, but they are rare on historical european or regency historicals. More frequent on american historicals (and it's obvious why).

-IYO, how will evolve romance novel covers in ten years?

The cover of All night with a rogue is really fascinating, and I also particularly aprreciated the one you created for Mr Shaara's novel .

Thanks for your kind answers.



Dear Mr Griffin: come sceglie il colore dominante per una copertina? Secondo il suo senso artistico, o il soggetto del romanzo? E' più facile per lei disegnare uomini o donne?

Sa dirci se i lui e le lei mezzi nudi in copertina rendono i libri più appetibili per i lettori? E' ancora una valida strategia di marketing, o un'eredità imbarazzante di cui liberarsi?

Le è sempre richiesto di mettere l'eroe e/o l'eroina in copertina, o è una sua scelta?

Mi è piaciuta particolarmente la cover di All night with a rogue, come quella del libro di Shaara.

Come si evolveranno le copertine dei romance fra dieci anni?

Saluti, ecc. ecc


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