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Hello everyone. Thanks Anna

Hello everyone. Thanks Anna for inviting me to talk to your readers. I'm very excited about it!

Cris - I'm glad you spotted the little details in my writing. I think they are characteristic of my style. I know a lot of readers skip the descriptive passages and like to get on with the dialogue and story. So do I when I'm writing, but I also like things to be vivid, I want readers to see what I see. I discovered if you describe a detail in a concrete way, readers will see the bigger picture, they'll "fill in" with their own ideas. If I describe a hero, I tend to describe his mouth or hair or his hands and maybe a mannerism or two but I don't describe the whole man. (Calum's long legs featured in EMOTIONAL GEOLOGY ;-) ) Readers can imagine their perfect hero based on the few details I give them.

I think it's better to be very specific when you write. I often think in terms of cinema and photography. I don't often write in "long shot". I like to write "close ups", so that you feel you are there.

When I came to write STAR GAZING where the heroine was blind I had to find different ways of doing this detail because it couldn't be visual of course. So I focused on sounds and textures, sometimes smells.

Dragana - I don't mention it often because it gives away a little about the plot but there is a paranormal element to STAR GAZING! You'll have to read the book to find out, but there is something about my hero Keir that makes him quite unusual. All I can say is that Marianne sees nothing at all and Keir sees too much...;-)

I'm very interested in the paranormal romance phenomen but I haven't read much. (A character in STAR GAZING is a successful author of Scottish Gothic vampire romance set in Edinburgh. I have some fun with that!) There's so many paranormal books out there, where do you start? I've tried a Sherrilyn Kenyon but I found it a bit repetitive in style. Who are your favourites? I think I would probably enjoy more literary writers. (Anne rice?) I think I'm more interested in character and style than action.


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