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answer to comment nr. 29 (Cris)

Dear Cris,

I am so delighted by your comments. Thank you very much! When I create a heroine, I try to give her a mixture of qualities that make her easy to like, but also realistic. I think many of my heroines are probably similar to my friends, who are all very loving, intelligent and colorful, and like to laugh. But it wasn't until my Wallflower series that I finally allowed myself to feature a close group of female friends, who all help each other and care for each other. These books are really a celebration of female friendship, which is important to us in modern times, but was absolutely necessary in historical times.

answer to comment nr. 30 (Paoleletta)

Dear Paoleletta,

Thank you, that is very sweet to hear! Oh, it is difficult to choose my favorite hero and heroine . . . I love them all for different reasons, and every book I have written is special to me. If I had to choose one historical couple, I think it would be Sebastian, Lord St. Vincent and Evangeline Jenner from "Devil In Winter", because their chemistry and repartee was so enjoyable to write. For contemporary, Haven Travis and Hardy Cates from "Blue Eyed Devil," because they went through an emotional journey together that changed me for the better.

answer to comment # 34 (Doris)

Dear Doris,

I am glad you asked this question about Cam and Daisy, because I think many readers have wondered the same thing! My original intention was to pair Cam and Daisy together for the last Wallflower book. However, at the time I was in the process of leaving my longtime publisher, to find more creative freedom with a new publisher, St. Martins Press. And unfortunately, it made the plotting of the last book with the old publisher very difficult . . . there were difficulties and bitter feelings on both sides. I delivered three different plots featuring Cam and Daisy, and each time they were rejected. I was never quite certain why, and I wondered if it was perhaps because of the hero's controversial Romany heritage. I also questioned myself, and thought perhaps that I had not done a good job in conveying the romantic possibilities between Cam and Daisy--perhaps they were too much alike. So in frustration, I tossed aside all the Cam and Daisy plots, and I created a new hero for Daisy, Matthew Swift. (I became very fond of him and I think he turned out to be a good match for her!)

But then I always wondered what to do with Cam . . . I was so intrigued with his character, that I decided to use him to introduce a brand new historical series with my new publisher. I thought that perhaps because Cam was a misfit, it made sense to pair him with a misfit heroine and her eccentric family, that he would understand them and tolerate them . . . and I felt there could be a wonderful sense of humor about this family, which I named "The Hathaways." So it all turned out well in the end, although I have always regretted leading some readers to expect a pairing between Cam and Daisy, and then having to disappoint them. As I have learned, life always throws you surprises and challenges!


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