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by Maet
Dream heroes
Alcuni eroi da sogno...
comment # 2 ( Airel81 )
obviously from now on Lisa's books will be on my auto-buy list... I have never read any of her books so far, I have to rectify this at once: she really looks like an interesting person.
comment # 3 ( Naan )
Wonderful interview!
In addition of being a terrific author, Lisa is also a very interesting (and beautiful!) woman, and I have to admit that after reading the interview I am now curious about what she has told of her husband, Gregory. If possible I'd really, really like to know how they did meet and fall in love :)
And finally, dear Lisa, I would really enjoy reading in future a novel of yours centered about pioneer life... if it's certainly true that the English aristocratic system made difficult for a common-born man to force his way into high society, it's also true that your pioneers fighted against any kind of adversity, and I have a deep respect for their courage, their strength and spirit of sacrifice- at this point I think it's evident I am deeply fond of that historical period
Thanks Lisa for this wonderful interview, I hope to be able to meet you when you visit Italy, don't forget to let us know!
comment # 5 ( Hatshepsut81 )
I have read only one of Lisa's book so far and loved it. I cannot wait reading Lady Sophia's lover.
I'd have two questions to ask the author:
- Would she pose for one of her books' covers, alone or together with her husband ? if alone, which cover model would she choose to pose with?
- I have also read that she won Miss Massachussetts' competition, when she decided to partecipate did she hope to become a top-model, a professional singer or an actor?
Thanks in advance for your replies, and thanks to the bloggers who made the interview possible.
comment # 7 (Susa)
First of all my compliments to March Rose for this interview, it's really splendid !
By Lisa Kleypas so far I have read "L'alba dei sogni" (Where dreams begin), Sugar Daddy, "Ti amerò per sempre" (Someone to watch over me) and right now I'm reading "Sognando te" (Dreaming of you). I was so impressed by Lisa's writing style that I decided to try reading directly in English "Secrets of a summer night".
So the Wallflowers' series will be soon translated in Italy! WOW!!! Any news about an Italian translation of Blue eyed devil?
I'd also like to ask Lisa a couple of questions:
- many of her books are at the top of readers' polls, and especially Dreaming of you is considered by many people as her masterpiece. Does she agree? In all the books she wrote so far, which is the one she is more fond of ?
- have she ever thought of choosing as settings for her books pioneers' times, or the Middle Ages?
Thanks a lot in advance,
comment # 8 (Maristella)
First of all my complimenti to Lisa Kleypas, since the moment I read her novel "Voglio ritrovarti" (Somewhere I'll find you) she's one of my favorite romance authors. About her series, I'd like to ask her if in the US they have been appreciated by readers, since recently so many authors are writing series, and if yes, what is in her opinion the reason of series' success from a general standpoint. Personally I think it's nice to see an interesting secondary character of a previous novel getting his own story and his own book (see for instance Derek Craven - a character I adore - or Logan Scott in Because you're mine), but I feel slightly disturbing having more than three novels featuring the components of the same family, imho when they keep on appearing in all books of a series as secondary characters they steal a lot of pages from the romance of the h/h couple, which should be the center of the book. What is Lisa's opinion about this ?
comment # 10 (Tiziana)
I'd like to thank Lisa Kleypas for this beautiful interview, and also for the wonderful excerpt she gave us the possibility of reading, I enjoyed it immensely!!
So far I have read only "L'Alba dei Sogni" (Where dreams begin), and the protagonists of this story conquered my heart ( especially the hero, to tell you all the truth!). Now I'm eagerly waiting to read "L'Amante di Lady Sophia " (Lady Sophia's lover), I have read wonderful things about this novel...