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by Maet
Dream heroes
Alcuni eroi da sogno...
translation of comment #2
translation of comment #2 (andreina65)
Oh my Mary Balogh! I'm so honored you're our guest today ! I have read almost all your novels, I love reading series and sagas all in a row to capture all their emotion and magic, I have read all the series you've written including the Bedwyn series - what an incredible character Wulfric is! I had been waiting his book so eagerly, and I have not been disappointed !
I have loved all your books, Mary, many of them are among my DIKs such as "Le trame del destino" ( The devil's web ), "Il duca di ghiaccio" ( Slightly Dangerous ) and "La prima neve" ( The First Snowdrop ). I really adore your heroes, I love alpha men in romance novels! Your books have never disappointed me, and as soon as I can put my hands on "Simply Perfect", I'll start the Simply series!
I'd have so many things to ask you but I'm so excited, I need some time to recover, in the meanwhile just know how much I adore you!
This excerpt is simply wonderful!
thanks a lot once again for gifting us a bit of your time and to make your Italian readers so happy today!
translation comment #3 ( marianna3 )
Wow, I'm left without words! Hope all other authors don't feel offended by what I'm going to say but imho Mary Balogh rules! I only need to find three of her books and I'll have all the complete collection of her novels which have been translated in Italy so far ! Great interview, Maet !
Dear mrs. Balogh, imagine that, also my 17 years old son knows you since he is studying foreign languages, so he kindly translated your video-interview for me and he told me that listening to you is pure delight!
I agree with you about your least favorite books ( besides "Nella tela dorata" i. e. "The gilded web" , but I'd add "Sfida all'amore" i. e. "A gift of daisies") but all the others imho are beautiful, it's useless to list them! I'd only like to mention two of them: I have adored "Semplicemente magico" ( Simply magic ), while I was reading it I felt as I was drifting on a pink cloud .... Also "Il duca di ghiaccio" ( Slightly dangerous ) is one of my DIK, not thanks to the fact that it was the final instalment in the series since on the contrary it was the first book I have read in the Bedwyn series, but since "he" is the book! Wulfric is the embodiment of all one can desire in a man: ho is strong and sweet, honest, he knows when to be merciless but he can feel and love too, and he know what generosity is vs. his siblings as well as vs. his beloved.
If I can, I'd like to ask you, where do you find such particular names and family names such Attingsborough ( impossibile to pronuinciate for me! ). Alleyne, Wulfric, Ranulf etc.? or it's just my own difficulty, since my English is so poor? It's a silly question, I know, but the most important things have already been told in the interview... I'm very happy about this new series, this cousing which is unclear whose side is on looks very intriguing ... and there's a bit of faerie tale too, which is always nice .... if I have understood correctly there are some "Cinderella-men" whose lifes suddenly change - how nice!
Please go on writing your stories, and never think about retiring .... you are "simply perfect"!