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translation comment # 5

translation comment # 5 (Marianna)

Many compliments Maet for this interview!!! and many compliments Ms Holly for your work.

Dear Ms Holly, I liked so very much your novel "Beyond Innocence" !!

I have recommended it to all my friends!

It's got a lot of erotic scenes, some of them very detailed too, a speech a bit dirtier than the other novels I'm used to read but this didn't bother me, and also Freddy's "problem", the homosexuality, was like a secondary love story... It was great when at the end of the book Edward says he feels like the "father of the bride" !!

From every word of your novel I could feel Edward's love and adoration for Florence, and I dare any woman to say she never wished a man so loving... no matter about his sexual drive (the man was as gifted as tireless... and she too!)

Descriptions were very accurate too (not only those of the sex scenes -_*) especially those about settings and places, and characters' both appearance and feelings, not just the most important ones, like Edward, but also the children, Ivan and Frederica... and the servants... and the very tormented character of Edward's dead father .

It was a very engaging book, and I felt sad when it ended!

I'm waiting for Merry's book's release... a very spirited girl!

But in the excerpt also Nic shows to be a great character !!

I liked the interview too.




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