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Good day to all!! My

Good day to all!!

My forgiveness with trying to organize the time differences and my thanks to Veronica for helping me in the translations! Please if I have not answered your question to your liking, post it again and I will answer!!

Andreina: In the book TORTURED, I actually do write in both the heroes and and the heroines point of view. Each chapter goes back and forth from one to the other.

My editor allowed me to do this as for this particular story with such a  different heroine, I wanted to show the transformation and growth of each character as they began to change themselves and how they viewed the other with the discovery of those changes.

Fortunately, with Spice , they encourage that outside of the box thinking;)) I am very lucky as I tend to push the parameters of romance  in my writing.

Thanks for stopping by!! and hope that answers your question!



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