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Blog’s numbers
dal 29 maggio 2006, data in cui è nato, Isn't It Romantic?
ha raggiunto oggi il traguardo di 100.000 visite.
Per festeggiarlo ecco un post un po' speciale: il nostro blog in numeri...
e quanti numeri!
since May 29th 2006, Isn't It Romantic? has reached the goal of 100,000 visits.
In order to celebrate here is a special post: our blog in numbers... and how many numbers!
12 bloggers
1 autore-author blogger
297 giorni di vita - life days
100000 accessi totali - total clicks
338 media accessi giornalieri - daily clicks average
1933 posts pubblicati - published posts
6,5 media post per giorno - daily posts average
1688 elisarolle's posts - personal record
2446 commenti ricevuti - received comments
8,2 media commenti giornalieri - daily comments average
73 paesi che ci leggono
countries reading us
Italy, USA, France, UK, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Romania, Spain, Austria, Australia, Netherlands, Brazil, Chile, Portugal, India, Slovakia, China, Belgium, Sweden, Mexico, Czech Republic, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Philippines, Turkey, Japan, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Argentina, Norway, Peru, Republic of Moldova, Algeria, Islamic Republic of Iran, South Africa, Finland, Albania, Senegal, Egypt, Taiwan, Israel, Colombia, Pakistan, Lithuania, Kuwait, Venezuela, Latvia, Hungary, Morocco, Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Panama, Macao, Puerto Rico, Thailand, Estonia, Armenia, Grenada, Bulgaria, Honduras, Vietnam, Belize, Greece
blog's records
332 visite giornaliere / daily unique visits
5th march 2007
(more than 750 pages viewed)
1717 visite settimanali / weekly unique visits
5th week 2007
6287 visite mensili / monthly unique visits
February 2007
blog's contents
826 bibliografie - authors' bibliography
801 novità - posts of news
83 italian / 718 USA and UK
111 recensioni / pillole / spoilers
- reviews / pillreviews / tapas
11 premi - posts of awards
235 copertine e modelli -
posts of cover art and cover models
13 per ridere - funny posts
15 riflessioni - deep thinking posts
58 websites, blogs, LJ, groups, forum
che ci linkano o che hanno parlato di noi
which are linking or naming us
15 Authors writing on the Blog
- Autori intervenuti sul Blog
http://romancebooks.splinder.com/post/11572862 Margaret Moore |
17 Hosted Authors
- Autori Ospitati
Margaret Moore Jules Jones H. Rose Meloche Theresa Melville Luna Carrol Anne Cain & Barbara Sheridan Lee Rowan Lisa Andel James Buchanan Jo Beverley Loretta Chase J.L. Langley Willa Okati Laura Baumbach T.A. Chase Eloisa James
1 Publisher writing on the Blog
- Editori Intervenuti
Sergio Altieri, responsabile della collana I ROMANZI di Mondadori
Commenti recenti
7 anni 18 settimane fa
7 anni 18 settimane fa
7 anni 18 settimane fa
7 anni 18 settimane fa
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7 anni 19 settimane fa
7 anni 19 settimane fa
7 anni 19 settimane fa
7 anni 19 settimane fa