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[[I would like to know if

[[I would like to know if using supernatural elements in your novels is just a form of escapism, a market request or it does represent an inner belief.]]

As I mentioned in my interview, the place I was born is steeped in ghost stories and supernatural legends. My favorite stories always involved some kind of supernatural or magical aspect.

In short, I believe in ghosts and fairies. I've had too many personal experiences to believe otherwise. :) For example, when I was writing ABHAINN'S KISS, the close I came to completing the novel the more active the fairies in my house became. Their favorite joke is to hide small objects from me until I finally give up looking for whatever it is. While writing the book, it happened with increasing frequency until I nearly drove me mad! LOL

The rise in popularity of paranormal-themed romance and my beginning to write them was a happy coincidence. I think I would have written them no matter what.

I have tried to write a non-paranormal romance. I really have. The closest I came was WILDISH THINGS, and it still had a meddling goddess lurking in the background, causing trouble for the hero and heroine. :)



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