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I'd like to know what do you

I'd like to know what do you enjoy reading besides your research books, and if you buy a book because you feel attracted by its cover or by instinct.

Thanks a lot in advance, and my best wishes for your career!

Ciao Andreina:

Thank you for welcoming me back. What I read for fun are autobiographies of film stars from the 1920s to the 1940s. I also have a large collection of books on Italian soccer, some on its history, some written by Italian soccer players, past and present. In romance I like to read romantic suspense, and I also will read books with themes such as pirates, an era I haven't written yet but plan to in the future.

As for what attracts me to a book, well...a nice hunky body! I know, that seems superficial, but it's what draws my eye first. Next I look at the hero/heroine name. If I don't like it, I can't read the book. Again, quite superficial. The era and location also have a lot to do with it.

grazie una volta


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