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Translation comment# 17

Translation comment# 17 (Weirde)

Truly a great interview and the excerpt from the new book, as well as your little presentation, have really intrigued me, especially the history of the bull who must be got out of the kitchen. In fact I just read a contemporary  book where the heroine finds herself trapped in a kitchen with a bull tamed.  She solves the problem feeding him with a mountain of food. Very funny.


Translation comment# 18 (Annamaria)

I am pleased that Ms. Kinsale has consented to the interview.I read Uncertain Magic and will read Flowers from the Storm, from which I expect much, given the topic, difficult and unusual and, above all, having appreciated the author's ability to render the complexity of characters and situations.The presentation of Lessons in French intrigues me a lot : I find the style to be airy, cheerful and elegant, with an irony  and, at times, a subtle sarcasm permeating the excerpt, that makes me eager to read the book.I would ask Mrs Kinsale as the idea of this novel, so different from the other three published in Italy, was born. And, perhaps, Mrs. Kinsale can gove us news about a possible publication of this novel in Italy, as well as her other titles- in my opinion woefully neglected by our publishers?
I extend best wishes to Ms. Kinsale and a heartfelt thanks for his kindness and availability.



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