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Dear Lib63 (comment

Dear Lib63 (comment #76),

Thank you so much for your very kind words. And thank you for taking a chance on CRY FOR PASSION. How brave you are, to read outside your comfort level! Yes, my books definitely contain graphic sexual material. When my husband read the scene where Jack touches himself, he said, "Good God, Robin! No wonder your work is called erotica." He rather spoiled the effect, however, when he added: "Rose owes Jack big time." When he read Rose's scene, he agreed she had paid him back. When I told another reader about that exchange, she wrote that there was no "pay back" in the relationship between Rose and Jack. And she was right: They are simply a man and a woman looking to find something more than sex, lies and deceit. I think they did find it, even though the ending does not have them marrying and "riding off in the sunset," so to speak.

I'm sorry you didn't have the opportunity to read SCANDALOUS LOVERS first. Perhaps Rose and Jack's relationship would have been more poignant had you done so: They were both so alone.

In regard to your comments. . . . Yes, it is sometimes difficult to find historical day-to-day details. I remember once telling another author how I'd finally tracked down how many pockets were in a man's trousers in 1882 (AWAKEN, MY LOVE). She remarked she didn't have time to go into such detail. I'm not like that; the smallest detail can sometimes be very important indeed. For example, what if a man stuffed a pistol in the front pocket of his trousers, only in reality, men's trousers didn't contain front pockets at the time? A reader might never know the difference, but I as an author would. However, I love historical research, so I've never felt bogged down by details.

Thank you for posting,

Robin Schone


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