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Dear Lucia (comment

Dear Lucia (comment #56),

Thank you so much for your interest in the members of the Men and Women's Club. As I wrote Naan, I have written a novella about Ardelle Dennison and Joseph Manning, which was published in the anthology PRIVATE PLACES (2008). I would also like to write a novel based upon a group of boys that were mentioned in that novella, and bring in the members of the Club for cameo appearances, but that's definitely something in the future. And of course, I would like to give Jane and Joseph their happy ending. By the way, "The Men and Women's Club" in the anthology is probably even more raw and intense than CRY FOR PASSION. My mom - who likes Rose and Jack's story - did not like Ardelle and Joseph's story at all. There was one sex scene, she said, that was totally repellent. Conversely, I find that particular sex scene very healing and sexy. And so did my editor! *smile*


Robin Schone


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