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Dear Naan (comment #55), Do

Dear Naan (comment #55),

Do you know, I wanted to continue the story of the Men and Women's Club, but my editor didn't think it was "Romance." And perhaps it isn't. In PRIVATE PLACES, my novella "The Men and Women's Club" is about Ardelle Dennison and Joseph Manning and how the club originated. We discover that Joseph had been abused in a boy's school along with four other boys. It was so sad, the way he described it and the effects it had had on his sexuality, that I wanted to write their story (that of the four boys) as adults, and have them find a resolution, as did Joseph with Ardelle. I could, of course, have had them all find a woman to heal them with her love, but I don't see that happening with all four, hence my editor's decision that I should wait a couple of years to write something that wasn't strictly a romance. I also would like to write a happy ending for Jane Fredericks and Thomas Pierce, but it would be as a novella rather than a full novel. In both I would have cameo appearances of all the members of the Men and Women's Club, so hopefully, I will someday get the chance to write both the boys' stories, as well as Jane and Thomas's story. It would be interesting to see the members reactions to Jack, the man who literally destroyed their lives in his quest for vengeance against James.

Grazie, Naan, for both the question and for your translations. I know how much work this must be for all of you.

Robin Schone


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