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Dear Silvana (comment

Dear Silvana (comment #53),

Thank you so much for posting! Anais Nin (1903-1997) - renown for both her journals and her erotica - wrote: "Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy." So I think women have long known that the best sex comes with love.

I do feel sad for Jane Fredericks; out of all the members of the Men and Women's Club, she and Thomas Pierce remain unresolved. I wouldn't say she's my favorite character in CRY FOR PASSION, though, even though she touched me, too. Aside from Rose and Jack, I would have to say James is my favorite. Knowing he would lose - a man who never lost - he goes before the Queen's Bench to free Rose. I also really liked Rose's mother. She did not necessarily approve of Rose leaving her husband, but she recognized that it was best for Rose. I also really liked that she didn't judge Rose. When Rose told her that she would never have children, her mother replied that she had never had a choice in the matter; she didn't know what she would have chosen if she had. I thought that was amazingingly kind - and honest - of her. I also really liked her curiosity, at every point trying to find out the name of Rose's lover, yet not getting angry when Rose would not divulge who Jack was. It was a fun - and upbeat - chapter to write; it was also interesting to explore the love between a mother and daughter.

Thank you for your question! I don't often get a chance to talk about which character - or scenes - I prefer in a book.


Robin Schone


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