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Dear Eleonora (#11) I'm so

Dear Eleonora (#11)

I'm so glad you enjoyed my interview! Maet did a wonderful job, didn't she? As she always does. Thank you for your compliments and question!

Yes, my characters do indeed have a life of their own. Once I capture their essence. Which is not an easy feat. For example, in SCANDALOUS LOVERS Jack did not really come to life for me until near the end when James confronts him and Jack cries out: "I loved her (James's wife). But you were the one who received the condolences. I grieve for her every minute. Do you even remember what color her eyes were?"

My characters commit mutany in virtually every book I have ever written. In order to make the book easier to write, I want one thing; they ultimately come out with their own pasts that are filled with pain and happiness, sadness and laughter. It's taught me that life really isn't what we think it is, that there are depths to everyone that we will probably never know. Even the staid old bachelor and spinster who lives upstairs from us, or down the street, or who is a relative. . . .

Thank you, I hope readers find my history illuminating. I love history and what I've learned from it so much, that sometimes I fear I'm beating readers over the head with it. I've been very fortunate to have editors . . . and readers! . . . who love history as much as I do.


Robin Schone


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