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Dear Andreina (#4) Thank you

Dear Andreina (#4)

Thank you so much for your compliments! I, too, like alpha heros. I don't at all like reading about men who apologize because they can stand up and pee (although in the 1980s - I believe it was the 80s - a woman tried to market a hose that would allow women to stand up and pee, too. The idea fell flat. *smile*).

I'm glad you enjoyed THE LOVER; Michael, my scarred angel, will always hold a special place in my heart, as well as Gabriel, my untouchable angel. I hope when you get a chance to read CRY FOR PASSION that you enjoy Rose and Jack's story, too. And I, too, hope Mondadori translates SCANDALOUS LOVERS. It was there, after all, where Rose and Jack were born.

As for changing my writing. . . . Alas, I couldn't even when I tried. And I did try once! I just can't write a story that doesn't include both the physical and the emotional.


Robin Schone


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