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translation comment # 12

translation comment # 12 (Lidiag)

I instead don't change opinion about this book. I  don't think it's necessary to be vulgar or use strong words to describe sex. Instead of f***** you can write make sex, I think this is a specific term too, you can write penis instead of c***. That's why I didn't like the book and expecially didn't like the heroine. I found her very vulgar, to much for my tastes.
An almost virgin, without any experience, asking to a man she has just met to undress and touch himself in front of her with so much confidence would seem to me not so credible. Probably I would have understood it and even appreciated if I could sense a true love between them, but there wasn't.
The only one I can save is Jack, an alpha man who made true sacrifices for her, and who fell in love with her. She seemed to me just a woman looking for sexual satisfaction, who loved her husband till the end.
She's not my kind of heroine. In a novel I expecially look for the the h/h feel for each other and in this book I didn't find it. Maybe that's the reason because I disliked so much the sex scenes: it was just sex. And it's not enough for me, but this is my opinion!

My compliment for the courage and the accurate study of the period that you can find in the book.
Bye, Lidiag


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