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Translation comment# 19

Translation comment# 19 (Agata)

Mary Jo Putney is one of my favourite authors and also one of the firsts I read, absolutely unmissable!
I really like how she describe friendship among men, I am riferring in particular to her Fallen Angels series. Her novels are never banal or obvious and face unusual issues for romance, but she succeeds in doing so with tact and depth.

Tranlsation comment#20 (Andreina) 

Congratulation to Maet for the great interview!

After reading so many good things about your book and most of all on your Fallen Angels series, I have bought them all to read them in chronological order (I am maniac about reading books in order).
I was curious about all the waiting and the expectation that the readers had for Dancing on the Wind, so now that I have the complete series I can begin!
I'd like to know dear Mary Jo, (can I call you like that isn't it?) should you ever decide to write a novel set in Italy which region would you choose, considering that our cowntry is proudly  rich in culture and history?
A book set in my Sardinia wouldn't be bad, right?
All right, sorry for the conceit in my last sentence .
Thanks for your answer.


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