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# 28 Cris1969 Really a

# 28 Cris1969

Really a wonderful inteview.

I haven't read anything of Robin Schone so far. I hesitate because I am an obssesive reader sometimes, and I fear she writes those kind of rare books where the characters become so true and real that you cannot let go of them. Those kind of books that you read slowly, because you don't want them to end. Moreover we share the same disappointement for Lady Chatterly's lover, a masterpiece maybe, but when I read it, without my parents knowing it, it was awful!

Just a question for Robin: which is the most erotic but not "phisically consumed scene" you ever read?

As a reader I often find more erotic those scenes than the sexual ones (see the "glove" scene in Loretta Chase's Lords of Scoundrels).

Anyway my breakfast is going to change forever: I will leave the cornflakes and start to eat biscuits again.


Grazie, Cris1969, your post made me laugh! I didn’t think LADY CHATTERLEY’S LOVER was awful, just not EROTIC. At that time, I wanted to vicariously experience sex . . . who did what to whom, rather than sit through pages and pages of trying to figure out what was happening, or indeed, if anything was happening. And I wanted a happier ending, one that wasn’t so gloomy. But D. H. Lawrence was very much a man of his time: He believed that every time a man ejaculated, it depleted his vitality. And because he had tuberculosis, maybe it did.

Interesting question. Let’s see . . . I assume you aren’t talking about scenes from my books . . . I would have to say all the sex scenes in BLOOD GAMES by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. St. Germain, the vampire hero - who is a wonderful, wonderful multi-dimensional character - can’t have sex via penile penetration. It is a woman’s pleasure that feeds his soul (and body, when he takes their blood as they orgasm). How much more erotic can you get? Right now, I am very much enjoying the sexual tension that Karen Marie Moning has built between Jericho Barrons and MacKayla (Mac for short) Lane in her Fever series.

Dear me, I seem to be turning people off cornflakes. . . .

Do let me know if I didn't answer your question to your satisfaction!




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