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Home | Anne Stuart: Non c'è pace per i Cattivi Ragazzi - The Wicked never rest

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translation comment # 29 (

translation comment # 29 ( mrstll)

Thank you elnora for this interview. I 'm a member  of  the club " Stuart -addicted" as well.
I wholeheartedly concur with what wrote Sonia, I thought the same before reading her comment. I've already read Ruthless in English, I think the heroine is less " passive" than others , so in my opinion, she's more interesting.
How this heroine is born? You have thought  about her before write or she has come in your mind naturally while you was writing? Do you think that the heroines of  the following books are as much  strong and resolute ?

Since Harlequin in Italy is publishing your historical books, but has suspended the Ice series after the first book, I would like to ask you whether you got some information about a possible purchase or interest in the Ice books   from Harlequin or from other publishers . I'm sure that would make happy a lot of your fans.


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