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Hello again, Naan! > Some

Hello again, Naan!


Some of the violence can be unsettling. Brook's situation with her husband troubled me.

Another relationship that surprised me because it was difficult to write was the relationship between Reckester and his sons. Working on those scenes always seemed to upset me. I was halfway through the book when I realized that I was projecting my unspoken frustrations about my father (he left my mother when I was four) into the situation.


I've never attempted to model a hero after one particular person. Although, I must admit Adrian Paul was a close match (in looks) for the hero in my first book, A DESPERATE GAME:) I prefer borrowing bits and pieces of personality and looks from multiple sources.

>>Which is your opinion in the matter? Are you going to explore this darker side too in the next future? >>

I love paranormal stories. When I'm writing the first draft of a book, I tend to read anything, but historicals during that time because I don't want to be influenced by another author's historical "voice".

Will I jump to paranormals? As much as I enjoy them, I have no plans to do so. Historicals are my first love. I would rather focus on another time period (like a medieval) rather than jump to another subgenre.

Nevertheless, I am realistic. The market for historicals is tight right now. Hopefully, that will change. If it doesn't, the shrinking market might force me to pursue other writing interests.



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